Sorry for the horrible pictures. I think it is clear to see who is talented with the camera and who is not.
I had big plans for Taryn's and Dareks costumes. They were going to be a bear and a bee and Dareks stroller was even going to be in on the costume. I had the picture in my head and it was going to be brillant. Then reality hit me, I have two kids one of them being a new born, and I hardly find enough time to bush my teeth, let alone make these costumes I had in mind. So the day of Halloween these are the costumes that I put together. I have to say that Taryns Minnie Mouse Costume was sponsered by the Long family. Thank you so much for the high heals. They were a hit. for Taryn and everyone who saw her. All we heard was "Ohh look at those heals" and "I can't belive she can walk in those." I can't believe that she can walk in them either. Not only that she can run in them too. She attempted to climb up a slide in them even, but failed miserably. This was propbably a bad mommy moment for my because as she was try to climb the slide and falling over and over again I was just laughing and Taryn was screeming in frustartion. Don't worry though I eventually pulled myself togther and helped her up the slide.
Darek mostly just slept the halloween away. He is still Tired from his long journey down here I guess. He is suppose to be Mickey Mouse but all night all I heard is oh what a cute lady bug. Oh well maybe we'll do better next year.