Wednesday, December 5, 2007

*How long have you been together? 2 years now
*How long did you date? a little over a year
*How old is he? 28
*Who eats more? Stephen does, I don't think I could ever beat him pregnant or not
*Who said I love you first? Stephen
*Who is taller? Stephen is by and inch
*Who sings better? I don't know I think Stephen has a good voice
*Who is smarter? Stephen is by far, oh if only I had a brain:)
*Who does the laundry? I do
*Who does the dishes? I do but Stephen will do them every once and a while.
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
*Who pays the bills? We both do it depends on the bill
*Who mows the lawn? we don't have a lawn but I am sure if we did stephen would do it
*Who cooks dinner? We both do When stephen get home he usually helps me out
*Who drives when you are together? Stephen
*Who is more stubborn? Probably me
*Who kissed who first? Stephen kissed me
*Who asked who out? I did
*Who proposed? He did
*Who is more sensitive? I am more sensitive by far
*Who has more friends? Stephen does
*Who has more siblings? He does 6 brothers
*Who wears the pants in the family? Stephen does and thats fine with me.

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