Saturday, February 16, 2008

Taryn Smiling

Taryn is starting to smile!! Over the past couple of weeks she has started to smile when she is awake and it is happening more and more. The first time that she smiled at me was when I was looking at her and talking to her and this huge grin came across her face and I could see her cute little dimples. I wish I could discribe how excited and happy I was. It was the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, and she is starting to do it more and more everyday. I love being a mom there is nothing like it. My love for Taryn is growing stronger everyday and I love watching Stephen play with her and talk with her. Life is just so much better with little ones!!


Marcie Tess said...

That picture could be in a magazine. Motherhood is the most precious gift our father in heaven has given us. I am happy you so the blessings in it. You are a great Mom Tara!

grandpa and grandma Wells said...

Lovely entry are a great mother. Love Dad