Friday, January 15, 2010

Taryn's Birthday

Taryn turned 2. She still answers 1 if asked. She already not wanting to grow old. We had a great small party out at the great grandparent's house. Taryn blew out the candles 3 times. She would have done it more if we would have let her. She got more presents for this birthday than for anything else before. She loves all her toys she received.
Tara made a wonderful dinner and great monkey bread for dessert.

christmas 2009

We have not posted anything for christmas yet. Sorry. I hope that you all can forgive use of our shortcomings? Well, we had a great christmas. We were able to go into the mountains a cut down a christmas tree with family. Taryn had a rough time but we come to expect it from her.
Stephen delivered a baby girl christmas day. No, we did not have another child. He was called into the hospital while on his OB/GYN rotation.
Taryn loved christmas and it was funny to see her start to get excited about presents.
I got another beautiful piece of jewelry, a ring, and I love it. Stephen is the best husband a women could have.
But here are a few pictures.